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MX-Stream Now Available!

Sep 26, 2022

Musical Fidelity has always been driven by the vision to create musically engaging audio products which can hold this standard of fidelity for many generations to come. The MX-Stream is yet another prime example in our long-lasting design philosophy.

The MX-Stream is a universal, transport-only network device that can take any online or network streaming service to your integrated amplifier or DAC. All you need is an existing USB Class 2.0 Audio input. The MX-Stream’s digital audio circuitry is a complete custom design from scratch. A huge part inside the chassis is dedicated to the extensive power supply section. We have PSUs and high-end voltage stabilization components for all the different PCB units. We have advanced re-clocking – even the main CPU is operated by an audio optimized clock, which is completely unheard in typical streaming solutions, as they typically run with standard CPU clocks like those in regular computers. Every incoming digital signal is cleaned up from the very beginning. All audio files that come in and out, are the best they can be by eliminating all unwanted noise that can be found in common streaming solutions. With an optimized software, we were able to push this high-tech hardware design to its absolute limits. All of this resulted in the first near-zero jitter streamer we have ever seen.

The MX-Stream is developed with the same goal in mind as everything else at Musical Fidelity. Technically correct design that not only measures like a dream but also sounds like it. In order for it to be true to the original Musical Fidelity spirit it has to have our warm yet transparent and incredibly detailed signature sound and not just be technical wizardry for the sake of clean technical measurements.

We have to hear it, we have to feel it, and we have to be moved by it. Designed and built in Europe.

Streaming in Musical Fidelity Tradition: MX-Stream

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